
Benny Hinn - The Tabernacle - God's Dwelling Place

Benny Hinn - The Tabernacle - God's Dwelling Place Benny Hinn - The Tabernacle - God's Dwelling Place 1993
A video walk through the Tabernacle with Benny Hinn
Words become inadequate in the secret place as you taste of God's glory and presence.
Step into the Tabernacle, God's dwelling place, with Benny Hinn. Follow him past the gate to the Outer Court, examining the Altar of Sacrifice and the Laver, gaining new understanding about the place of atonement and the place of cleansing. Continue to the Holy Place, the place of praise. Observe the Lampstand, The Table of Shewvbread and the Altar of Incense as he points out each of the furnishings in the Holy Place. Step beyond the veil and enter the Holy of Holies. Join Benny Hinn in the secret place as he kneels beside the Ark of the Covenant, the visible place where God's presence dwelt. Here words become inadequate as you taste of God's glory and presence, worshiping Him in the beauty of His holiness. Enter a new dimension in your relationship with the Lord Jesus as you experience this video walk through the Tabernacle, God's dwelling place.


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