
How many cameras do we actually need in Smartphone | loshnjuli

How many cameras do we actually need in Smartphone  | loshnjuli An interesting trend has begun to take hold of the smartphone market: cameras on top of cameras on top of more and more cameras. While smartphone cameras might all serve specific purposes, surely there has to be a limit to how many cameras you can put on a smartphone. Right?

Camera phones were a genius-level innovation when they hit shelves in 2000, and they’ve only become more popular over the past two decades. The smartphone camera boom, however, has led to a lot of oneupmanship between the main brands. Features such as portrait mode and high resolution zoom became near standard, seemingly overnight. With the ability to post ever-better (or instantly touched-up) pictures on social media, consumers have started to treat phones as a camera first, telephone second.

So, what’s a smartphone brand to do when you’ve thrown all the megapixels you can at your camera? Easy. Add more cameras.

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