I only shared links for the last 2 sandals since they are inspired by original designer sandals, but aren't replicas or dupes.
1. The first item is from Dhgate. It's a replica of a Prada Double Cuir Tote. I love the size and the saffiano leather is beautiful. It feels sturdy and durable. I've never been to a Prada store though, so I have no idea what the original looks like. I do think it is a great purse for the $107 it cost. It took 2 weeks to arrive and came with the bag scarf as a free gift. The inside doesn't have any Prada branding aside from the Prada on the flap in the middle. It came with a lovely leather smell. It's not a hidden link on Dhgate, so if you go searching around for handbags, you should come across the listing and the reviews contain pics of the actual item.
2. The second item is supposed to be a replica of the Sarah empreinte Wallet from Louis Vuitton in Marine Rouge. I love it and it's red edges. As you see, it came with a beat up orange branded box and dustbag. It smells of leather. I definitely prefer the $38 I spent to the $920 the original costs. It's from a hidden Aliexpress link.
3. The third item is a Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag in Damier Azur Canvas with a beige interior. I'm not totally certain about the size maybe MM. As you can see, it's a budget version and cost $29. I like the color, but it does feel a bit flimsy and the finishing touches are definitely not quality. It came from a hidden Aliexpress link.
4. The fourth item is a Louis Vuitton Keepall Bandoulière 45 duffel bag in Damier Ebene. It's budget and I'd definitely use it for travel. It was only $32 from a hidden aliexpress link and will be great for the weekend trip my husband and I are taking in a few weeks. The handles feel reasonably sturdy, as does the canvas.
5. The fifth item are the Christian Louboutin Iriza shoes. They have the shiny red sole and tan leather uppers. I bought size 9/40 and they fit perfect(my feet are between 25 and 25.5cm. The seller sent them with a branded box and those cushion moleskin things for the heel and ball of the feet. I immediately applied them because...….they were there. They were from a hidden aliexpress link and cost $51. I love that they are flats and that I got to pick from more than 20 colors of leather and they are true to their size chart.
6. The sixth item is not a replica, they are just inspired by the Hermes Oran sandals. They aren't branded and came with a
quality dustbag, but not in a box. I love them, but their size chart wasn't completely accurate. I could have bought a size down since they are really loose on me. I got a 10 since they chart said it corresponded to a foot length of 25.5. They were around $25 and feel comfortable despite the glitter(sometimes glitter like that can rub against my feet around the edges, but these don't) and they are definitely worth the cost. I'm buying more pairs in a smaller size and different finishes.
7. The last item is a pair of plastic studded sandals that seem to be inspired by Valentino Jelly Rockstud Flat Thong Sandal. Now compared to the prices for the authentic versions of the items listed above, these would be downright affordable at $345, but that's still a lot for flip flops. These jelly sandals are the only item with an unpleasant odor. They been airing out for almost a week and I still sometimes get that whiff of unpleasantness from them. Still, they fit tts (I got a 9 per the size chart and they fit pefectly) and are comfortable and only cost $11.
A couple other aliexpress favs I'm wearing today are:
Maternity Shirt: