
8 Techniques to Abolish Love Handles

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8 Techniques to Abolish Love Handles - Thomas DeLauer

1) Spot Reduction

While spot reduction doesn’t seem to be real, you can tone certain muscles and one study found that you can burn more fat in areas near active muscles than resting ones

Study on Spot Lipolysis

Study from the American Journal of Physiology found that spot lipolysis is real - looked at exercise in 10 healthy, fasted males

Found that aerobic exercise increases whole body adipose tissue lipolysis, but that lipolysis was higher in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SCAT) adjacent to contracting muscles than in SCAT adjacent to resting muscles

Concluded that: you acutely burn more fat in fat regions near active muscles than in fat regions distant from active muscles

Could be explained because the local fat oxidation appears to be the result of the increased temperature and blood flow near the exercised tissue

This may increase the delivery of fat burning hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine

Myokines released by the active muscle, like IL-6, may also increase fat oxidation rates in nearby fat tissue

2) Fasting + ACV

Fasting activates hormone sensitive lipase, which initiates lipolysis, the breaking down of triacylglycerols into free fatty acids and glycerol

Additionally, fasting preferentially burns visceral fat

fasting upregulates miR-133a, which inhibits PRDM16, and that reduces thermogenesis in Subc WAT and drives the transition from Sub to Visceral fat**

Visceral fat is preferentially oxidized as it can drain directly into the portal circulation and appears to be more efficient at meeting energy needs compared with the relatively externally located subcutaneous fat

Visceral is more vascular and contains a higher % of large adipocytes plus having more glucocorticoid and androgen receptors than subcutaneous

3) Increase Protein Intake

Study - American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Subjects who increased protein intake to 30% of their calories resulted automatic drop their calorie intake by 441 calories per day

HIIT (Upper Body)

Study - Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy

Looked at the cardiac autonomic responses during upper versus lower limb resistance exercise in healthy elderly men


Ten volunteers underwent the one-repetition maximum (1RM) test to determine the maximum load for the bench press and the leg press

Discontinuous RE was initiated at a load of 10% 1RM with subsequent increases of 10% until 30% 1RM, followed by increases of 5% 1RM until exhaustion


Parasympathetic indices decreased significantly in both exercises from 30% 1RM compared to rest and HR increased (69 to 90 bpm for upper and 66 to 89 bpm for lower)

Cardiac autonomic change occurred from 30% of 1RM regardless of RE limb - however, there was more pronounced sympathetic increase and vagal decrease for upper limb exercise than for lower limb exercise

Why This Is

Blood pressure is increased with upper limb exercise since the muscle contractions increase the peripheral vascular resistance to a greater degree than what is found in lower limb muscle contraction

This is because muscle volume has an impact, and the muscles in the upper limbs are generally smaller in volume than those in the LE

In other words, exercises have a blood flow redistribution component - arterial dilation is seen in places being exercised and constriction in places where no activity is carried on

In upper limb exercises, blood is redirected to this area and the amount decreases in lower limbs - therefore smallest blood vessels are containing a bigger amount of blood

The heart has to increase its contraction strength to deliver blood to upper limbs

*Simply that the blood vessels in the upper body are smaller which means the heart has to work harder to pump blood*

Reduce Alcohol Intake

Study - Toxicology

The study looked to investigate if ethanol alters aromatization of androgens and concentrations of hepatic estrogen and androgen receptors

In rats given ethanol, hepatic aromatization of androgen to estrogen was significantly increased by the ethanol administration

There was also a significant increase in serum estrogen level but a decreased circulating testosterone level in the alcohol-fed rats

Furthermore, the concentration of estrogen receptors in liver cytosol was significantly higher in alcohol-fed rats, as compared to the control

Lastly, hepatic androgen receptor levels were much lower in alcohol-fed rats than those in control

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