
Oriental medicine helps to keep "slim, compact" for women after birth

Oriental medicine helps to keep Things like weight gain, rough skin, cracking, etc. are inevitable after the birth of a baby, but you don't need to worry if you know these medications.

Weight gain, loss of shape, cracked skin, ... are always obsessive for women after birth

Besides taking care of children, gaining weight, losing shape, ... is also a common obsession in mothers after giving birth. This not only makes many women feel confident in life but also contains dangers hidden deep inside that not everyone knows.
Traditional medicine said: after a long period of 6-9 months of pregnancy, depending on the location of many different people will have different weight changes. Perhaps, some people will gain weight quickly, making the waist from "waistline of ants" to "bread waistline" become a terrible obsession for mothers.
Body with excess fat not only makes it difficult to move and move but also cracks plus rough skin ... make women lose confidence in their physique in life, easily fall into depressed, narrowed state, we do not contact with outsiders. More dangerous, there are potential diseases of cardiovascular, respiratory, osteoarthritis, ... that few people can know.

Some oriental medicine remedies help keep "slim, compact" for women after giving birth

Here are some beauty herbal remedies that can help you get rid of the "obsession" and overcome the common postnatal conditions quite effectively.

Remedy 1: Peach blossom - medicine taste for beauty and health

According to Oriental medicine, peach blossoms are bitter, average, non-toxic, have beneficial effects, active blood, convenient, use the air treatment for patients with humid conditions, great - impasse. Peach blossom also makes the face pinkish and fresh, achieving high efficiency.

- For women who are too fat, want to have a slender, good-looking body, ... pick peach blossom on 3/3 of 3 peach trees, let cool place to dry, then crush into fine powder, put in Closed jars, and should take peach blossom powder 3 times a day, 1g each time at hungry.
- To treat black spots on the face ... also picked peach blossom 4 parts to dry, birch birch and 2 parts ginkgo, all crushed into fine powder and put in a sealed container. Take 3 times a day, 1g each time immediately after a meal.

Remedy 2: Last winter (squash)

According to oriental medicine, squash is a one-year cardamom sweet, cold, non-toxic, cool fruit peel has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, pepper, cooling effect. Seeds help poison antibiotic, except worms, low temperature bar, chemical talks burn. In particular, pumpkin seeds have long been able to cure white zone disease. If persistent eating squash can eliminate excess fluid in the body, thereby achieving the goal of weight loss.
- How to lose weight from squash juice: use 1 squash, peel, remove intestines and cut into small pieces and put in blender, puree, squeeze water, put some salt and sugar in. mix. You can put it in the cooler of the fridge to drink all day.

- How to lose weight by boiled squash: prepare a squash, peeled, seeded and sliced, boil it daily. Should pay attention to reducing the amount of rice daily can help lose weight very quickly ....

Remedy 3: Fresh lotus leaf (fresh Hanoi)

In lotus leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoids. In terms of pharmacological effects, lotus leaf nuciferin has the effect of resolving smooth muscle spasms, hypotension, analgesic, sedative; anti-arrhythmia; has a hemostatic effect. In addition, flavonoids of lotus leaf are effective against antioxidant rat liver lipid.
Therefore lotus leaf is used to treat bleeding such as defecation of blood, root bleeding, subcutaneous hemorrhage, dengue, sedation. Not only that, the lotus leaf can also subtract spleen and spleen. Because Diep has a beneficial effect on lowering swelling and eliminating fat, it can reduce obesity.

- Fresh lotus leaves are washed, cut off the stalks and the edges are then dried, then torn into square pieces.
- Put in the middle of the pan, cover with golden soil mixed with salt water and paste a white paper on a small pan, used to judge the fire.
- After all preparations are done, you can set fire to cooking. The time of processing is long or short, when the white paper becomes the golden standard, wait after the white paper becomes yellow, then turn off the fire, let it cool before taking the medicine into a fine powder that can be used. .
- Use rice water mixed with flour to drink three times a day.
In addition, after birth, mothers need to supplement a nutritious diet. During a daily meal you should eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and at the same time, you should regularly drink plenty of water to clear out the elements, blurring the stretch marks for you a bright white, healthy


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