
Remnant Young Adult Conference 2019

Remnant Young Adult Conference 2019 The time has come for us to hunger after God more than anything.

The time has come for us to walk in power. The time has come for us to fast and pray. The time has come for us to win our campuses for Christ.

The time has come for us to be the salt and light. The time has come for us to walk in purity. The time has come for us to walk in boldness.

The time has come for us to clothe the naked. The time has come for us to feed the hungry. The times come for us to care for the widow and orphan.

The time has come for us to hear His voice and walk in purpose.
The time has come for us to see the greatest move of God the earth has ever seen.  

It’s here and now.
Not tomorrow, not next year. Today.

The time has come for the Remnant to arise!

Calling all young adults (18-35)! Join us July 11th - July 13th in Orlando, FL for Remnant Young Adult Conference!

Registration opens soon!

young adults,jesus,revival,remnant,passion,worship,deeper,orlando,florida,conference,

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