
Rex plays XCOM: Enemy Within #10 - Alien base assaulted, worldwide panic significantly reduced

Rex plays XCOM: Enemy Within #10 - Alien base assaulted, worldwide panic significantly reduced I’m all giddy because last week we did the alien base assault mission and came out completely unscratched. We were very lucky to see the three most scary enemies up front, and ended up with Leah capturing the alien sectoid commander. Super cool.

So what’s coming up? We don’t really know. In one day, we’ll be recovering squaddie Mohammed Farouk from his covert mission to Canada. I know. You can’t trust those sneaky Canadians. After that, it’s a blank slate, but I have no fear that we’ll be bored. We recovered this hyperwave beacon on the alien base and we’ve got to research that, but there are other things I’d like to research first. The new month is a long ways off, so we’re low on funds for a while yet. Not much we can do about that.

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