
Dr Kay Fairchild The Mind Brain Connections #35 The Allegorical meaning of I Am that I Am

Dr Kay Fairchild The Mind Brain Connections #35  The Allegorical meaning of I Am that I Am Dr. Kay Fairchild "unpacked portions of Song of Solomon Chapter 2 and saw the allegorical reality of the 'Rose of Sharon' and the 'Lily of the Valley'. Each can point to aspects of the left and right hemisphere and what they represent. Song of Solomon is a love story happening within us as we allow our Beloved (right side) to enfold us in an intimate experience of Oneness. The first 2 words of Chapter 2 begin with 'I AM'. When Moses asked God who he should say sent him to deliver the people, he heard from within: "Tell them I AM That I AM sent you". Notice that he did not merely hear 'I AM' but Moses heard, "I AM That I AM". Why? Simply because of the Hebrew consonants 'YHWH' (tetragramaton). However, what we must understand is that the 'YH' refers to the masculine principle and 'WH' infers to the feminine principle. The European culture made it Yahweh, then later, since there is no 'Y' or 'W' in Latin changed it to Jehovah. However, the important thing to us is that YHWH designates the masculine and feminine principles within us. It symbolizes our heaven and our earth. Our right and our left. In all of creation there are counterparts.

Now, Verse 2 states: "As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters." The 'daughters' point to the emotions and the lower desires. His love within/as us is bringing our emotions to the point where they do not function in and of themselves, but are as One in the Beloved. Later on in the chapter we see that his left hand is under our head, and his right hand embraces us. The left side is where the lower thoughts originate from while the right side designates the higher Christ thoughts. Consequently, as the left side is being pulled up by the right side, the right side embraces the left and the marriage is consummated in our experience. When Jesus spoke to the disciples who had fished all night catching nothing, and said: "Cast your nets to the RIGHT SIDE" and they caught 153 fish; he was referring allegorically to drawing our thoughts out of the consciousness of our Christ Mind. 1+5+3=9. The number 9 is the number designating consciousness. Jesus always spoke in parables and allegories. As we bring our Christ Mind in to our individual consciousness we are participating in the greatest love affair ever known to mankind. We are participating in that which was the purpose of the Father from before the foundation of the world". Kay Fairchild
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Dr Kay fairchild,Bible,Father God,Father,Jesus,Christ,Holy Spirit,Christ mind,love,life,light,truth,awareness,song of Solomon,Lilly of the valley,carnal thoughts,fruit of the spirit,religious doctrine,Banner over me is love,apprehended ones,meditation,single eye,kingdom of god,kingdom of heaven,Rose of Sharon,Lily of the Valley,YHWH,emotions,parables and allegories,

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