
Everything about Antimatter! | The Earthanger

Everything about Antimatter! | The Earthanger I, hereby, explain you about the antimatter!

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   Matter. Matter exist everywhere; the screen that you're watching to you, me and the entire universe is composed of matter.

    But then there's different kind of matter out there- The Antimatter.

     Hello guys, I am Aaditya Bhamre and you're watching The Earthanger. So without any further delay let us get started.

      In the year 1928, Paul Dirac, a british physicist formed an equation that ultimately combined Quantum Theory and Special Theory of Relativity which further led to giving him the nobel prize in the year 1933 for the same.


     But there's a problem: As the equation x^2 = 4 has two solutions that's x=2 and x=-2, in the same way Dirac's equation also had two solutions that's one for an electron with positive energy and the another for negative.

    But with classical physics negative energy don't exists. But scientists believed that there has to be something that fits into the negative part; that's to say, suppose matter fits into the positive one, then there has to be some kind of opposite of matter that fits into the negative. We call it Antimatter.

     Now, the question arises that why don't you see antimatter around?

     The reason behind you not seeing antimatter is that suppose there were two '2's, one matter and the another antimatter, and when they would hit each other, they would cancel out with the burst of significant amount of energy by the process called 'Annhilation'.

     Most probably, you know that matter is made up of protons and electrons. In contrast to this, antimatter has antiprotons and positrons. Protons are positive, electrons are negative while antiprotons are negative and positrons are positive. Again, due to their oppositeness when they collide, they're just gone.


    There's one more point: Theoretically and according to the scientists and physicists there should have been equal and exact amount of matter and antimatter produced right after the very big bang.


     But due to some reason (that scientists also don't know of) there was a very very little fraction of matter higher than antimatter. And the remaining matter and antimatter collided each other and got annihilated amd they just disappeared and now what's left around in the universe is that little fraction of matter.

      Now, what if there was higher percentage of antimatter and what left was antimatter. The explanation is quite clear. We would still call it matter! This is because the polarities that is, positive and negative conventions that we use are according to our own reference. So, antimatter is the exact opposite of the polarities of that of matter.

    In many of the experiments performed by the CERN that is, European Organization for Nuclear Research, with the 'Large Hadron Collider', the antiparticles are produced. It is surprising to know, that in the history of the CERN, total antimatter produced is less than 10 nanograms.

This is because, only four proton-antiproton pairs are produced in every million collisions and further they are separated from other particles using magnetic fields and this is how the production of antimatter takes place. And concluding this- Antimatter do exist.


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