
Life with (Electricity) "Demand Charges:" We can't do normal activities!!!

Life with (Electricity) (courtesy of: The Alliance for Solar Choice; originally published on Oct 10, 2016)

Demand charges are anti-consumer. Hear from citizens of Glasgow Kentucky Electric Plant Board on how mandatory demand charges have affected their lives. Visit to learn more.

No major Investor Owned Utility in the country has been allowed to levy demand charges on all residential customers. Demand charges are a radical departure from how residential customers are billed. Recent utility proposals have attempted to extend demand charges to both small businesses and residences. Residential customers lack the ability to control their demand and should not be required to invest in expensive technology just to avoid sky high electricity bills.


"...we find there would be a large number of residential customers that have neither the desire, nor the inclination, to manage demand or to understand demand, but I guess the bottom line on that is I think it would be very difficult, were she still with us, to put my grandma on a demand charge." ​
Mark Bonsall, SRP General Manager

“[Oklahoma utility spokesperson] said it’s impossible to calculate what a rooftop solar customer’s actual charge will be...”
(Climate Central, 11/10/2015)

"I just didn't have the stomach to do [demand charges] considering all the other things we were doing at the time," Nevada Commissioner David Noble, admitting demand charges go too far after eliminating net metering, levying massive fees on solar customers, and pulling a bait and switch on existing solar customers.
(AZ Central, 3/14/2016)

APS Attorney: "I am just going to ask you one thing. I am not saying this might be their ideal thing, but couldn't they go to a mall or a movie or something like that for awhile?"
WRA Expert: "Every day? 30 days?"
APS Attorney: "A lot of mall walkers."
WRA Expert: "For five hours?"
(Excerpt from Unisource hearing between an APS Attorney and Western Resource Advocates Expert, 3/16/2016)

To have peace of mind during the next extended power outage AND be prepared JUST IN CASE your utility company DOES charge residential customers demand charges, read:
and watch:

For a FREE battery (with or without solar panels), grab a copy of your most recent electric bill and check the 3rd "Include Battery Backup Option" down at:


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