Origin of Bhawaiya
There is a different point of view on the purpose of what means Bhawaiya (ভাওয়াইয়া). Low-lying land with shrub and other vegetable are called Bhawa. Buffalo keepers used to sing this song while plowing. Hence the name Bhawaiya came to exist. According to some other researcher, Bhawaiya is derived from the word Bawaiya which is subsequently derived from the word bao (breeze). The derivative of the word Bhawaiya is Bhav--- Bhao + Iya = Bhawaiya (ভাওয়াইয়া). So the derivative meaning of this word is emotionally charged. According to Abbas Uddin, famous singer and composer of Bhawaiya song, this song is like the random and pleasant wind blowing of North Bengal and it is named as Bhawaiya. According to a survey( conducted by the Folk cultural and tribal cultural center, Government of West Bengal) among the performers of Bhawaiya (ভাওয়াইয়া) song the name is derived from the word Bhao----Bhav. It has a meaning of deep feeling or love or melancholy feeling.
The most dominant part of the performers is the Rajbanshi or Kamtapuri (residence of Kamtapur state) people from the North Bengal and the northern part of Bangladesh. But the Brahmin, Koch, Yogi, Khen, Muslim who are the resident of these areas are also sung this folk song. Nowadays some of the well-known bhawaiya (ভাওয়াইয়া) songs are adopted in Bengali Cinema as well as in some modern folk bands.
The folk song is characterized by a typical tonal structure which reflects the specific natural, environmental and work-related factors, topographical condition, ethnic and phonetic characteristic of the region. The following tonal structure is generally used in Bhawaiya music:
S R M P D n... S R G M P n.... M P D n D n D P M... n n S R G G M G R S ..... etc. (S=Sharaja, R= Rishava, G= Gandhara, M= Madhyama, P=Panchama, D=Dhaivata, n= flattened Nishada). The flattened tone of S, R, G, D, P and sharpen tone of M are not used in this folk song. Use of only flattened n is also a fundamental characteristic of Bhawaiya song. Dn Dn - is one of the known tonal texture of this song. S and M are used comparatively more here. The melody of this folk song generally does not go beyond the middle octave. But in some recent song especially in catka, the tune goes up to the upper octave. Bhawaiya(ভাওয়াইয়া) song are sung in a higher pitch. Typical voice modulation is characteristic of this folk song. Lots of microtunes are used with the main tune and pitch for this voice modulation.
Instrumental Cover Song Links:
Amar Mon Mojayare:
Kolijate Daag Legeche:
Amar Hyar Majhe:
Keno Piriti Baraylare Bondhu:
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