
My Biggest Regret Of The School Year

My Biggest Regret Of The School Year By Abigail | Subscribe: | Comment, like, share this story.
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When Abigail first started seventh grade - her middle school years just before high school- she was so excited. She considered herself a really good student, and she couldn't wait to take honors classes with her friends and new teachers. Because she was so on top of her schoolwork, she would always do her homework before she even got home - she was totally efficient and organized!

In her honors classes, she was surrounded by a lot of intelligent, smart and ambitious people. However, she was also in class with irresponsible kids - students that would cheat to get into honors, avoid doing their homework and text on their phones during class. Even though Abigail was different than those kids, she never spoke out about it because she liked being friends with everyone.

One day, one of Abigail's oldest friends approached her at school. Her friend asked her if she could do her math homework for her, and because Abigail cared so much about saying friends with her, she agreed. She went home and started to work on her friend's homework.

When she got to school the next day, she handed her friend the assignment. Her friend introduced her to a new group of seventh and eighth graders from other schools who all seemed pretty nice. Before she could even introduce herself, they asked Abigail if she could also do their homework. If she did, they would all pay her money in exchange for the goods. Abigail didn't think much of it, and she agreed.

Over time, the group of kids kept asking Abigail to do their homework for her. When Abigail's mom noticed that she had more work than usual, she just made up an excuse and continued to do it for them. She kept getting more and more stressed out and the whole thing filled her with anxiety. Because she was spending so much time doing other peoples' work, she barely had any time for herself. Things got so out of hand that they even created a group chat JUST to ask Abigail to do their homework. She didn't know what to do, she couldn't go to the school counselor because she would get in trouble, and she didn't need counselling, she needed it all to stop.

One day, after seeing the text messages from the group chat, Abigail's boyfriend urged her to stop. Abigail took his advice, confronted the girls and refused to do their homework ever again. She felt so relieved when she finally stood up to them, and she learned a very valuable lesson from the experience.

As she looks back at the experience, she must have said to herself, "This was my biggest regret of the school year."


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