
Police Are Checking Foreigners' Residence Permits At Random!

Police Are Checking Foreigners' Residence Permits At Random! With the development of society and economy, the management and inspection of foreigners' work permits and visas have been stricter than before.

China is stepping up the effort to crack down illegal expat to maintain social stability.

1. The Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau published a whistleblower reward scheme that pays up to 500 RMB for reporting foreigners who are violating immigration rules in China on May 9th.

Anyone who falls under the "three illegals" (三非外国人) may be reported, the "three illegals" being:

1)Illegal Residence

2)Illegal Employment

3)Illegal Entry

2. In 2018, authorities punished 121,000 foreigners for illegally entering, staying or working in China, going up 12 percent year-on-year, according to the daily newspaper Legal Daily.

Liu Guofu, an immigration law expert at the Beijing Institute of Technology, noted that regulation of illegal immigration was a problem shared throughout global society.

He also said that China imposed harsher penalties on illegal agencies that recruited foreigners than it did on the foreigners themselves.

"The foreigners usually receive administrative punishments only, but illegal immigration is regarded as a crime in many other countries," Liu said.

Expats who illegally enter, stay or work in China face 5-15 days administrative detention and a fine of up to 10,000 yuan, according to China's Exit and Entry Administration Law, which was implemented in 2013.

3. In August of 2018, a suspect surnamed Liu was sentenced eight years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan by No.1 Intermediate People's Court of Shanghai for helping foreigners enter China with travel visas and work illegally as housekeepers in cities including Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

More than 950,000 foreign people are working in China and the country issued 336,000 work permits for foreigners last year, People's Daily reported.

4. Besides Shenzhen, many other cities in China also took actions to crack down on illegal expats.

Many people in foreign group chats have mentioned that groups of police in Guangzhou target foreigners, checking their residence or work permits at the street randomly.

However, there is no official announcement or news about that yet.

There have been reports of police in Shanghai trying to clean up drug abuse.

In recent days there was a foreigner that claimed police came to her apartment and tried to shave her hair off for drug testing.

Remember, getting a LEGAL VISA is way more important than getting a high salary with an ILLEGAL IDENTITY in China!

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