
The one thing to keep in mind going into any Amazon Interview

The one thing to keep in mind going into any Amazon Interview When going in a job interview, your goal is to advance to the next stage.. And more often than not, your interviewer is like a gatekeeper - they want you to convince them that you could be the right candidate for the job.

How do you do that? Besides preparing the perfect answer to any question. The first thing you must do is to build rapport with that person. Rapport is when someone is totally responding to you - you feel like there’s a connection, and you understand each other well enough to be able to communicate effectively, and form a relationship.

Anthony Robbins: “Rapport is power”
Matching and mirroring.

The challenge here is that most of us have a tendency to only bond well with people that are or act like us, or people who are like we want to be;

Even by phone:
Keep the same tone of the voice
The tempo
Look at the wording in the CV

In person:
The posture
Mirror Eye contact - like them;
Esp. when you say something important
Dont get too close
Shake hands
Firm or fishy


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