
THE SWIRL PRACTICE ~ Melt away stress, increase sensitivity and drop into your Embodied Femininity

THE SWIRL PRACTICE ~ Melt away stress, increase sensitivity and drop into your Embodied Femininity I want to take you through a practice to help you embody your feminine energy.

It's called the Swirl Practice.
And it's a softening & sensitizing 3-part technique to drop you deeply into your feminine nature.

By allowing your breath to swirl in… and out,
You can melt away all those hardened places and welcome in an influx of sensation.

By feeling into the depths of your body with your breath,
Feeling it fill, feeling it empty, feeling the bliss of your full surrender in flow—
You can leave the paradigm of “thinking & doing”
And step into a realm where your pleasure is the gateway to your power.

Diva, this is a different kind of power—it doesn’t reach.
It’s the depth and divine subtleties of your embodiment, that draws to you all the abundance that you desire.

There's nothing to rush.
Nothing to force.
Nothing to get.

Simply an invitation to sink deeper into your feminine energy.

Breathe in and out...
Receive and soften.

I invite you to watch the video below and discover the 3 steps to this sacred practice.

Allow yourself to receive this gift from my heart to yours.

Begin by bringing your awareness to the parts of the body we'll be working with.
Your throat.
Your heart.
Your womb.
Your yoni.

And then, press play…


After getting over that initial tensing of self-consciousness and fear (am I being too loud? Do I look crazy? Am I being too much, too sensual, too wild?!)… this practice opens you to your immaculate radiance, your aliveness, your brightest energy, your fullest expression, and your embodied pleasure!

You might even experience a Big Release,
A deep clearing of OLD emotional debris stuck inside your body,
Opening up more space within you to draw in all that you desire.

Can you feel it?
The softness, the openness, the steady stream of your feminine essence…

Which parts of you feel more liberated and relaxed—dripping in this effortless divinity?

I invite you to take this moment to allow your awareness to dance over these new sensations.
To feel the places in your body that have opened up more space for you to flow.

Share your experience below in the comments!

The Swirl Practice is a powerful ritual that you can use whenever you're craving to drop deeper into your potent feminine energy.

Thank you for receiving, Diva.

With love, flow, and fiyah,


Your Feminine Embodiment Expert

PS. If you’re ready to unleash the power of your divine feminine embodiment,


It’s time to awaken your Power,
Reclaim your Pleasure,
and activate a world of Possibility!


*** Here's the link to grab the insight timer for your practice! ***

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