
TRSలో కాంగ్రేస్ విలీనం: రాజ్యాంగం అనుమతిస్తుందా?||TRS-CLP Merger: Constitutional Position

TRSలో కాంగ్రేస్ విలీనం: రాజ్యాంగం అనుమతిస్తుందా?||TRS-CLP Merger: Constitutional Position In a major setback to the Congress in Telangana, the 12 party MLAs who defected to the TRS were recognised as members of the ruling party by Assembly Speaker Pocharam Srinivas Reddy on Thursday.

The decision came hours after they met him and sought merger of their group with the TRS Legislature Party (TRSLP), claiming themselves to be the representatives of the Congress Legislature Party (CLP).

Later in the day, the Speaker acceded to the demand of the 12 MLAs, considering the fact that they constituted two-thirds of the total number of 18 MLAs.

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