
What You Should Know Before Eating At McDonald's

What You Should Know Before Eating At McDonald's McDonald's is massive, and we know you've been there dozens of times. But…what don't you know about McDonald's? It probably doesn't surprise you that a company this big has a ton of weird stories they try to keep quiet, so this is the untold truth of McDonald's.

While customers Stateside might not have heard about it, McDonald's Japan had some major issues in 2014 and 2015, issues so big and so gross that Mother Jones reported they led to a 10 percent sales decline. It started in July 2014, when McDonald's stepped in to take some serious action against one of their Shanghai-based chicken suppliers. Rumor had it that the factory was mixing expired product in with the fresh stuff then shipping it to McDonald's, Starbucks, and Burger King in Japan and China, and that's just gross. Just a month later, a customer in Osaka found a piece of a human tooth in their fries, and it doesn't need to be said just how big a deal that was.

Then, in early 2015, there were several reports of customers finding pieces of plastic and vinyl in their Chicken McNuggets, leading the recall of one million of the bite-sized chicken chunks. McDonald’s supplier, Cargill, investigated and came to the conclusion that the contamination didn't happen in their factory. So where did it come from? We may never know…but it was there.

Watch the video to find out what you should know before eating at McDonald's!

#McDonalds #MickeyDs #FastFood

The McNuggets recall | 0:14
The world's biggest toy distributor | 1:11
They’re not that huge | 1:39
How they make their money | 2:44
The cost of doing business | 3:40
A chilling ad campaign | 4:51
They’re not always welcome | 5:42
The ban on straws | 6:26
The Golden Arches aren't always gold | 7:11
No Horses Allowed | 7:57
Sickly Chicken McNuggets | 8:52

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