While observing the courts, I began directing a documentary, as well as befriended families devastated by the court system. It became very clear in a short time FAMILY COURTS were slave auctions. Children were being removed from homes for allegations, on erring on being wrong CPS/ACS routinely subjected children to trauma (being separate from parents for days and not knowing where they were or being able to contact them. It is only in theory you should be connected to your parents within three days after state abductions. CPS/ACS regularly creates hostile environments and records the one sided story of why parents are outraged. Parents are psychologically tormented while children have to endure sexual, physical and emotional abuses. CPS/ACS without question sells children in the form of foster care, supervised visits, therapy, and such.
The very first court case I witnessed was a woman being accused of having communications with her ex" the father of her children, "who committed acts of domestic violence. She was in threat of having her children placed in foster care. I would learn quickly being abused came at a high costs to women and children! That woman did have her children placed in foster care, for the length of time I do not know.
Another case involved a woman whom was in a homeless shelter with her children. Her lawyer said she was doing well. The judge wanted to make sure she was in therapy. The courts have policies of determining when and how one should repair ones' lives, and usually this contradicts human nature, justice, and logic.
There are many crimes against children and mothers happening in family court, and the number one act of activism we can do is being a witness, and being truthful. If one were to go to Kings Family Court to observe after passing through the middle detectors, on your left is an officer sitting at a desk - you simply ask which judge is doing ACS intake cases for the day. You could watch various courtrooms, but intake cases are good to watch because you see how the process begins of separating children from their parents. The constitutional violations are evident, but many parents are unaware of how to fight a billion dollar industry that poses as a judicial seat. Below is ecourts ny family court page. I made suggestions of some of the dirty indecent players to watch in the courtrooms. I have a larger list but these are my top 5 enemies of Allah list.
a.) Karin Raghubeer, ACS Supervisor
b.) Olivia R Henry, ACS Lawyer (commits perjury, fights like hell to have children languish in foster care)
c.) Nicholas J. Palos, Magistrate Kings Family Court (violates his oath, spits on the constitution, not fit to be sitting on the bench. complete lack of dignity or integrity)
d.) Miechia Gulley (court buffon. watch her youtube video wherein she makes humor on custody issues- and yet she had a mother that passed away that loved her while she mocks others' families.
e.) Kreuza Ganolli (Acts as Guardian Ad Litem but she does not push for safety of children, tries her best to belittle & demean parents. She has stated she is not an advocate for children)
Evil is powerless in the hands of the righteous that work on acts of justice. Courts have justified taking children for marijuana usage, immaturity of parents, joblessness, frequent moving... The Family Court stands outside of the laws of the Almighty, and so we must stand outside of the courtrooms of Family Courts. One voice, one heart. The lawyers (Judges, Guardian Ad Litems), CPS/ACS are in the business of deception. Please remember the preemption doctrine puts forth the question of states violations of constitution putting them under the breaking hand of federal court. Immunity does not exist for those not upholding the constitution. The children being raped, starved, humiliated, brainwashed, need us to fight this jihad hard until we win the battle at all costs. If non violence works we take that route, but if violence is necessary we must take that route.
Judges, lawyers and CPS/ACS must in many cases be tried for the death penalty. Judges who profit and find satisfaction in harming innocent children are not exempt from the death sentence. We all have to speak up, no one but the faithful will make this happen.