
My Teacher Is Super Weird

My Teacher Is Super Weird 🍀 If you would like to get your story animated, send it to this email address -

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Hi, my name is Daniel, and I would like to tell you the story of my weird teacher.

I am an 8th grade student in a small, rural school. Our school is tiny, with only a few students enrolled. We are so small that some student from neighboring schools came to our school from time to time to take advanced classes

Actually happened, last school year some of these students told us about their biology teacher. They said that he knew his subject very well, gave interesting lectures, and always gave good grades to students. But they also shared some rumors about him. They said he sang during lessons if he was in a good mood. They said that he sneezed 50 times in a row because he chewed tobacco. Once, they said, he fell asleep in class while the students were taking an exam. Yes, he fell asleep so soundly that he began to snore! So, the students completed their exams, put their notebooks on the table and quietly slipped out of the classroom. They said that the principal had caught this teacher sleeping and, of course, he was reprimanded, but he wasn’t fired from his job because the students loved him so much and all said good things about him.

During the summer, we heard a rumor that our biology teacher was leaving our school in order to get married. My friends and I assumed that we would probably be assigned a new young teacher fresh out of college. But, boy were we wrong!

When the bell rang on the first day, a country-looking guy of middle age, balding, and with pants so large that they had to be held up by suspenders, entered the classroom. He glanced at the class from under his round glasses and said, “Hello.” If it had not been for the stories that preceded him, we would expected a very different biology teacher.

The lesson flew by in a flash. He said goodbye to us and left, but we could settle down enough to listen in the history class that followed. Everyone was talking about what they had heard. The history teacher spoke in a long and boring manner and this caused great irritation among us.

Once when we were studying about rats, the teacher talked so enthusiastically about the little furry creatures that we learned how to tame and train them to carry out commands. And that made us all smile.

Actually happened, “There are lots of pets around here, go on, tame one,” he said. Then I thought, “Who would be better than me at training a rat?” So, I really wanted to try to stand out from the rest of the class. That’s why I bought a white rat.

This cute furry little friend got along very well in our house because she was very affectionate and tame.

When I was doing my homework, she would lay on my neck and fall asleep. The rat liked to participate when I dressed and undressed.

Finally, it was time to demonstrate the results of the training we had done with our pets. Many students brought mice that ran races in a maze. Some brought rabbits which at command clapped their paws.

The rat went into his boots and slipped right up his trouser leg. Then, sticking in her claws, she quickly began to climb up. Only now the teacher noticed that something was going on inside his pants.

Eventually, the rat reached the top of the pants leg and just sat down, clinging to the inside of the pants. The poor teacher! He went pale, then blushed, and even tried to jump up and down trying to rid himself of the uninvited guest. But it was all in vain.

What we saw then was a confused and embarrassed biology teacher who could not figure out just what was going on inside his pants.
Seeing his torment, I jumped up and helped the rat to break free of the threads in which she had caught her claws. There was deathly silence!

At just that moment the door opened, and the principal appeared in the doorway. The entire third row, as if on cue, jumped up from their seats and surrounded the administrator, telling him what an interesting lesson this had been and how we had displayed our pet’s learning skills, and what a good teacher our biology instructor was because he always made the subject so interesting.

This was enough distraction for the biology teacher to put himself back in order and to appear before the principal in proper dress.

After the lesson was over, we stayed in the classroom and swore never to tell other teachers or the principal about what happened in our class because we did not want to get our teacher in trouble.

In our next lesson, our teacher thanked us and told us how important it is to lend support at the right time to those in need. He said he had seen this kind of support in our actions. We all felt that we could not do otherwise, because teachers like him are respected, loved and we always want to have this kind of teacher.

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