
(Regardless) I will be glad in the Lord.

(Regardless) I will be glad in the Lord. Two nights ago I woke up during the night, it was about 4am in the morning, with some pain in my heart.
It was a pain coming from my chest area but I just know it was my heart that was hurting and also I was feeling pain in my jaw area.
Now this didn't happen to me before and the discomfort was so big that it woke me up at 4 in the morning so I looked and did some research but I kinda
knew these are symptoms for a heart attack. I've never had these symptoms before and I've always considered myself a healthy person, I've never had problems with my health,
appart from the usual colds. I didn't even had measles when I was young, you know, so I considered myself a healthy person compared to other people for example.
This experience did not scare me, it doesn't scare me, but just it shows to me how unpredictable and fragile our life can be. You can be the healthiest person in the world,
you can have the best clinic in the world at 10 min away from you or you can have the best doctors very close to where you live. It just doesn't matter, if God appointed you
this many days then that its what its going to be. We have to realize that we all are here just for a short while, it doesn't matter how many years, this is nothing, 100 years
compared to an eternity, this is nothing. But we always think about the future, we always think about many days in the future, like 1 month from now or 6 months or years and
we think when we gonna have a family or kids or what am I gonna do, am I gonna have to deny myself for so long, its gonna be so boring, and stuff like that but we have to think
about the present because the day after tomorrow is not promised to nobody so we have to focus on what we do today and make sure that today we are dedicating ourselves to the Lord.
I want to read two verses from Psalm 104 verses 33 and 34.
"33 I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
34 May my meditation be sweet to Him;
I will be glad in the Lord."
Dear friends let's rejoice in the Lord while we can.
We will all stand at the judgement seat of Jesus Christ one day and
we don't want to regret the fact that we could have done better but we didn't.
May Jesus bless you.

(Regardless) I will be glad in the Lord.,(Regardless) I will be glad,in the Lord.,(Regardless),I will be glad in the Lord.,How to live godly,How to repent from sin,How to believe in Jesus,How to overcome sin,How to be holy,How to serve God,How to serve Jesus,How to worship God,How to stop sinning,How to please God,How to satisty God,How to go to heaven,How to be saved,How to receive revelation from God,How to be a good person,How to work for God,

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