
Scientific Basis for the Sidereal Zodiac

Scientific Basis for the Sidereal Zodiac Zodiacs are created by Spin.

The Earth has 3 kinds of Spin:
1. Rotation in 1 day, which is related to houses.
2. Revolution in 1 year, which is related to the tropical zodiac.
3. Wobble in 25,772 years, which is related to the sidereal zodiac.

Resonances between the Zero Taurus - Zero Scorpio axis in the Tropical Zodiac and the Galactic Center create the Sidereal Zero Aries point. The Zero Taurus - Zero Scorpio axis is important because it is the next level of symmetry of prime numbers and therefore is the foundation for the fine structures in space at the level of the sidereal zodiac. Prime numbers have these symmetries:

1. All prime numbers are odd numbers, except for 2.
2. All prime numbers = 6 n +- 1 where n is any positive integer.
3. All prime numbers are symmetrical around the middle of zodiac signs.
4. All prime numbers are symmetrical around the Zero Taurus - Zero Scorpio axis.

Each of these 4 levels of symmetries of prime numbers is a finer level of refinement in structure, and the 4th level of symmetry around the Zero Taurus - Zero Taurus axis is the basis for the ruling planets of zodiac signs and they are the the anchor points for creating resonance with the Galactic Center.

Spin and the number sequences embedded in them explain many astrological phenomena, such as twelve zodiac signs, decanates, nakshatras, etc. as well as the basis of the sidereal zodiac.

This video is produced by Cosmic Patterns Software, the developers of the Kepler, Sirius, and Pegasus astrology software. the website of Cosmic Patterns Software is

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