
What Are Subliminals?!? The Truth about our Reality

What Are Subliminals?!? The Truth about our Reality To all the newcomers I'm Taidenki you can call me eli my objective is to help everyone that thought they couldn't achieve the impossible I'm here to tell anything is possible Subliminals are totally safe in reality is just self hypnosis it's been proven scientifically also but the higher ups decided to created conspiracies, so they could control us. Anyways feel free to pm if you want to know more about this side of humanity that have been hidden. I hope to see you part of this family in here we dont judge at all we accept everyone.
video Transcription :
Hey Fellow Elis I've decided to open an Instagram account this way I'll reach out and help more people.
Today I'm going to talk about subliminals What are they and How they can benefit our life.
Bien empezaremos entonces y espero que gusten del vídeo. 😊

To all the newcomers Im Taidenki the person here to help with any and all your desires firstly, know that subliminals are all around us in the tv,movies,advertisements,... its everywhere.
Subliminals are messages that get sent to the brain to alter our thought process
in others words our behavior and this is all done without our own awareness.
The Truth that one wants to tell you is that the brain perceive anything as the absolute truth yes i mean it everything the mind doesn't care if its a make belief.
Why is that?
Well you see the mind is divided in two parts the conscious and the subconscious the conscience part is everyday state where we perceive with our five senses so called reality, in reality you are soooo much more than that you can achieve literally anything with a positive mindset. The other part which is the subconscious is the place that governs everything that we believe to be true yup i said i wanted to explain this to alll the people out there who don't know that so much more than just humans back to what i was saying anything you say to your subconscious it will believe to be the absolute truth thats where subliminal come in to help you guys rewire to self hypnotize your way of being. How can they benefit us you ask? You see with the right affrimations and a positive mindset you can reshape your life. You don't need to believe in order for subliminals to work but do know believing will make the process way faster its just like the leap of faith its way better to just go for it instead of doubting if you can or cannot.
what I'm saying here you can do anything dont limit yourself you can achieve impossible things by yourself subliminals are just tools to get you what you want faster.
To learn more about the endless potential that you possess feel free to message me im new this app so it might take me awhile to work with it i have a youtube channel called "Electrifyingsubs" drop by way if you truly want to learn what you capable of.
As always Infinite Will Fellow Electrifiers💙💖

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Thank you to all of you infinite will fellow electrifiers 💙
#Taidenki #Thetruth #Subliminal


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