
Dissociative Identity, Bi-Polar Jesus [The Alternative Facts Gospel]

Dissociative Identity, Bi-Polar Jesus [The Alternative Facts Gospel] Source: Nonstampcollector channel.

This truth-toon is actually quite the mind-twister in that there's deep truth in it that's not the straight-forward facepalm as my fellow atheists likely think.

Despite the overt silliness found in scripture understood verbatim at face value, everyone pretty much gets that much, but more atheists need to realize that there are actually some great hidden gems of deep truth when the Bible is understood allegorically.

So though this video is still funny at face value and is still valid as a jab at the laundry list of Bible butchers and meaning-manglers through the ages, the Jesus' anger and sorrow side actually addresses a very powerful meaning - namely chaos magik.

It reveals his black magic ritual practice side. Not only was Geebus a healer, but he was a full-on male witch incorporating chaos magik into his spell work to heal and cure people.

That's what I do on occasion to heal myself. Try it the next time you are in any sort of a low state. It works 100% of the time if you get pissed enough and the worse the condition, the more effective and faster the healing response takes hold. Jews call it "atonement" for their sins (frailties) and will even strangle a chicken during the ritual to improve its performance.

So whenever I read comments left by Christians on sorcery as being evil, it's a cringe moment. The Bible has over a dozen witchcraft references.

I've mirrored this not as an attack or mockery against the church and Christians and their gullibility, but as a show of disdain and an expose aimed at the church and its overt butchering of sacred ancient scripture. And everyone, including fellow atheists, should be against such authoritarian deceit.

So as a disclosure, this doesn't imply that some blonde hippy from Israel named Jesus (which is Greek) was is all true, but that hidden esoteric messages in the bible are actually very true. In fact, I'm full-on atheist or more specifically deist.


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