
Dumpster Diving- Did I seriously just find the entire line?

Dumpster Diving- Did I seriously just find the entire line? ***GIVEAWAY*** COMING SOON! When I reach 5k subscribers, I will be doing a giveaway because I am just in awe of how much I have managed to obtain recently!!! Must live in the United States because I can't afford $70 shipping! Sorry :( I seriously cant even believe I just continue to keep finding this stuff! And its not even souped! I think i have discovered the 2 best months for dumpster diving for beauty products. Yay this didn't end up in a landfill somewhere!!

Did you know that we throw away 1.3 BILLION tons of food away that we grow every year? As a chef, a human, and a lover of life....It hurts my soul. We are too wasteful as a society. Come join me dumpster diving for anything and everything that doesn't belong in a landfill. You'll be surprised at what I find and what we do with these items.

Need to get in touch with me?
Mail: PO Box 6181 Vernon Hills, IL 60061
Email me at:
Find me on Instagram: DumpStirCrazy

To leave a tip or if you want to buy anything I have found (email me first)

To all my subscribers--Thank you so much for all your support! I couldn't do any of this without you all cheering me on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind words!

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