
Fervent Effectual Prayers - Pastor Annu Mahesh

Fervent Effectual Prayers - Pastor Annu Mahesh Christ Way Church welcomes you to hear a wonderful message from Pastor Annu Mahesh. The title is ‘Fervent effectual prayers’.

Almost every relationship in our life takes focus and when initiated it will succeed, our relationship with God is no different. He knows our problems. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our need and we are designed to have ongoing relationship with God our creator. We have to have a continuous depending bond else we will never be happy and peaceful. Every relationship requires conversation and without which our relationship will break. We need conversation with God i.e. prayer. Prayer is a key vehicle to build relationship with God. Christianity is not primarily rules but it is a relationship with God. Another key reason to pray is God has commanded us to pray. If we have to be obedient to Him, prayer must be a part of our life. Prayer is not just asking God for blessings but it is a communication with the living God. Our relationship will suffer if we won’t communicate with Him. Our prayers have to be directed to God almighty in the name of Jesus Christ because only He can forgive our sins and died on the cross to forgive the humanity sins and to help us to live a continuous holy life. Jesus is the living God who is interceding for us. Jesus is the mediator between God and man. Jesus says whatever you ask in my name I will do it for you. When you pray, do not use vain repetitions as heathen do. We are asked to pray according to the will of God. God gave us a model of prayer in Mathew 6:9-13, we have to pray this prayer daily meaningfully. 

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Effectual fervent means energetic, active prayers, vibrant and spirited prayers. It is an active and energetic prayer of a righteous man. Righteous man is one who practices righteousness every day. Prayer of upright is God’s delight. God listens to those who is a worshipper of God and does His will. A righteous man is a person whose past sins are forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ and is living a changed life. Our prayers are failed to work as our desire to live in sin. It is an active choice to live a holy life. Our sin is separating us from God and from all the good things we need and adding more curses in our life. Bible says our hands are defiled by blood. Anger in our heart is as murder. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer and has no eternal life abiding in him. Our pride has such a hard time admitting our fault. Whenever we pray we have to check our heart and forgive others. As unforgiveness is increasing, mental health is declining. Two kinds of prayer we have to pray daily- one is for our sin nature to overcome and to be righteous and for all our needs. You need to stay awake and pray many times. Increase your prayers for your hard area like how Jesus Christ prayed then angel comes and strengthens us. Love of God enables Jesus to pray that prayer. It is a hardest kind of work we have to do. Prayer is an act of obedience and a privilege. When peter was kept in prison, church prayed earnestly for him, that night two angels came and saved him. There is a way to get help from heaven- choose to live a holy life and pray. When you are filled with God’s love and purity, you will start blessing others.

God bless you.

Please see the below link for Friday's message :

Bangalore,christwaychurch,bible class,bible words,motivation,blessing,righteousness,Jesus_Christ,joy,happiness,peace,Pastor_Annu_Mahesh,

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