
Girl Stop Being Stupid ✋ You’re Too Inclusive

Girl Stop Being Stupid ✋ You’re Too Inclusive I understand that our culture is now American Culture, YET our history isn't considered American History. This is the unfair duality that black people face everyday in this country. While many can see the beauty in our music, our style, and even our men, somehow still fail to see the beauty in us; The black woman.

While many of you enjoy the black american culture, many of you refuse to acknowledge the black American Struggle. And as black people many times we take things on a surface level of just music, just fashion, just hair, and contribute to that mindset.

This song isn't just a song, to me that's just like saying Maya Aneglou's poems were just words. To make a song for a selection of women to take pride in themselves in a world that tells them they shouldn't is important.

And while many of you are able to enjoy this song, you are also able to go back to a rich culture that is just for you. Which many black people aren't able to do. So to want to have something that is all our own that was essentially created for us shouldn't be taken negatively it should be met with appreciation.

black women,brown women,mixed,dark skinned women,being inclusive,culture appropriation,black phishing,black fishing,one drop rule,who is considered black,what makes you black,racism,colorism,

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