
Shahrzad's Clarification on Gandoo Part 1

Shahrzad's Clarification on Gandoo   Part 1 Dear All;

As the former Special Inspector of the former President of IRIB, I testify:

1. Production of any type of "Political Series" that would be broadcast on any of IRIB TV Channels is by direct order of Seyed Ali Khamenei.

2. IRRG Content Production House is responsible for preparing the senario which Ofoq TV Channel at IRIB belongs to IRRG Production House.

3. The senario of Gandoo series has been deffinately made based on IRRG (IRGC) Intelligenec Department advice.(Hussein Taeb under supervision of Seyed Mojtaba Khamenei)

4. I have addressed most of International Indirect Messages of Seyed Ali Khamenei and Seyed Mojtaba Khamenei in these videos.

Therefore, while politicians can fool themselve around and keep supporting terrorism by ignoring my statements or past actions, this is sole duty of each individual to protect their own safety and security from Evil hands and their supporters in the same way that I do.

Obviously, all politicians are only concern about Oil, Blood and Personal Interest. I found no government that their main concern would be truely Humanity, Justice & Peace.

The sky is the same excat color on around the globe when it goes to Politics = Corruption!

Shahrzad Mirgholikhan


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