
In Defence of Tsukasa's ideals in Dr. Stone

In Defence of Tsukasa's ideals in Dr. Stone The Villain of dr stone, Tsukasa Shishio might be a truely evil villain, but the ideals behind his actions might be much more solid than you think.

Meanwhile our hero, Senkuu's actions might seem a lot more evil than you realize.

This video goes to show that a difference in perspective can make some characters eem a lot more sympathic, even if the the show itself portrays them as exceptionally evil.

The inspiration for this video:

Anime Engineering,Tsukasa,Anime,Anime philosophy,anarcho primitivism,Manime matt dr stone,dr stone,dr stone anime,dr stone analysis,Best anime villains,in defence of,Tsukasa's ideals,Dr stone philosophy,dr stone villain,Senkuu dr stone,Senkuu evil,dr stone propaganda,power of propaganda,

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