
Trends Cycles & Investment Opportunities

Trends Cycles & Investment Opportunities Have more questions that need to get answered?
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Also check out: Real Estate Cycle Shows Phase-3 Danger (Pt.1),
Real Estate Pattern Breakdowns...Leverage Upon Leverage,

People always ask me two questions: When will the next crisis hit and Should I wait to buy gold and silver to get a better price. The good news is that all trends follow a similar path, therefore, understanding the patterns of a trend can help answer both questions, though not to the exact moment of course. But if you know how to identify what phase the current trend is in, you can see what the next most likely outcome is. In other words, understanding the long-term trend helps you make educated choices, which is a focus for us here at ITM Trading. We love educated clients.
In addition, “The Strategy” is based on these repeatable patterns and if you know the most likely next outcome, no one can fool you with a lie. This video is designed to help you understand the general trend cycle and where stocks, real estate and gold are at this time.
A key pattern to be aware of. Central bank gold activity pattern shows an accumulation pattern that began in 2007 and has been surging on expanded participation by global central bankers. If you learn only one pattern about money, learn this one. It tells you smart money is preparing for the next crisis. How about you?


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If you want to know what to actually DO about all of this, that's what we specialize in at ITM Trading. How do you protect your wealth for the next collapse and financial reset?

Yes Gold and Silver, but what types? How much of each? What strategy? And what long term plan?

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By ITM Trading's Lynette Zang

Call Us Direct: 877-410-1414

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