

ARTICLE IS PROOF OF WISE UP CONCLUSIONS AND FINDINGS All Music performed, written and produced by the Extremely talented Micheal Q Lynn .. who has granted me the honour of having a wonderful accompaniment to my awful voice

Look at the shape of the object in the thumb nail.. it reminds me of a Coracle Boat..

This vlog was made due to Wise Ups findings and hard work, one day his work will be revised
He made the scales fall from my eyes opening up a world I knew inherently existed.

Also the brilliant and unique Flat Earth British Sub..Thank you Lee for everything and things I don't know the words too..

keep watching people this vlog gets interesting..and made with me discovering things as I go.

This article I found on Ancient Architects....and it Absolutely Proves that Wise Up is 100% correct in his findings and conclusions.... I Think after a cataclysmic event the water level, was much higher and as we grew in numbers and the water receded revealing more and more coast lines and lakes some fresh some briny..the waters in lakes and pools also the water level itself became mixed with all the bits and pieces most smashed and pulverised, this made waters rich in mineral levels people became aware of these properties just like mother shiptons cave only on a much much larger scale and in various regions.. so being smart they cut canals to take certain waters to its required location.. it may have happened even faster than the shipton cave

Wise Up.Flat earth British Sub. Micheal Q Lynn,

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