Only one item can be cooked from this spinach and that is fry. Spinach fry with oil, onion, green chili, garlic, salt etc. But very tasty to eat. This is fry type vegetable and very difficult to eat lunch only with this spinach fry, that's why we have arranged potato ghonto for the kids.
We have called this spinach fry as sajna pata vaji. We calling the this tree as sajna gas.
We have collected drumstick leaf from a drumstick tree and then fry it for our kids. Very easy and sample recipe to cook. Anyone can cook after see this video.
I hope, all of you enjoy this video and support our kids.
Have a good day.
Thank you for your support.
Drumstick Leaf
Green Chili
Soybean Oil
This is charity food channel. If you subscribe and enjoy our video, then we can arrange more food for villagers, kids, disabled and others people.