One-Punch Man is a Japanese anime series based on the webcomic created by One and its subsequent manga adaptation illustrated by Yusuke Murata. Set in City Z, the story focuses on Saitama, a superhero who has grown bored as he has become so powerful that all of his battles end in a single punch. The series was directed by Shingo Natsume at Madhouse and was written by Tomohiro Suzuki.The series also features character design by Chikashi Kubota, who also served as chief animation director, and music by Makoto Miyazaki.The series aired in Japan between October 5, 2015 and December 21, 2015 and was simulcast by Daisuki and Hulu. The opening theme song is "The Hero!! ~Ikareru Ken ni Honō o Tsukero~" (THE HERO!! ~怒れる拳に火をつけろ~, "The Hero!! Set Fire to the Furious Fist by JAM Project, and the ending theme is "Hoshi Yori Saki ni Mitsukete Ageru" (星より先に見つけてあげる, "I'll Find It Before the Stars for You") by Hiroko Moriguchi. The ending theme for episode 12 is "Kanashimi-tachi o Dakishimete" (悲しみたちを抱きしめて "Hug Those Who Are Feeling Sad by Moriguchi.
#OPM #onepunchman #opm2
One Punch-Man 2,OPM 2,ワンパンマン,one punch man,One-Punch Man 2,saitama,one punch man season 2,anime,サイタマ,one punch man s2,one punch man specials,season 2,opm,genos,manga,saitama vs garou,one punch man anime,dragon ball super,opm season 2,garou,garou vs,saitama vs,THE TROUBLES OF THE STRONGEST - OPM 2,THE TROUBLES OF THE STRONGEST,