
Beginner - 19. Housework

Beginner - 19. Housework There is always housework to do when you live in a house
You have to wash the windows so that you can see outside
The floors and the carpets need to be vacuumed
The floors also need to be washed and some of them need to be waxed
The furniture has to be polished
The bathroom has to be kept clean
After you have a bath you need to clean out the bathtub
Laundry needs to be done regularly or you will run out of clothes to wear
The clothes go into the washing machine and then they have to be dried in the dryer
Sometimes we hang the clothes out on the line to be dried
Some of the clothes need to be ironed
You have to buy groceries and put them away
Meals need to be made
You can't let the dishes pile up in the kitchen
The dishes have to be washed and the counters need to be wiped
The stove needs to be cleaned
And sometimes the refrigerator and the cupboards need to be cleaned out
You can dust the furniture and sweep up the dirt
You can make the beds
The beds have to be changed too
They need to have clean sheets put on them
There are just so many things to do
Household chores take up a lot of time

Vacuum Tozsoranla təmizləmək
Wax Parıldatmaq
Polish Cilalamaq
Bathtub Vanna
Do laundry Paltarları yumaq
You run out of clean clothes Geyinməyə təmiz paltarın qalmır
Dry Qurutmaq
Drier Paltar qurudan
İron Ütüləmək
Groceries Ərzaq
Put something away Yerbəyer etmək
Make meal Yemək hazırlamaq
Pile up Üs üstə yığılmaq
Stove Soba
Dust Toxunu almaq
Sweep Təmizləmək
Sheet Yataq ortüyü
Household chores Ev işləri


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