New choco merch is in! Visit and be the envy of your friends!
Guess who's back? Back again? The old married couple is back - tell a friend. (I don't know why Beth is obsessed with song lyrics today - probably because she has no original ideas). This is a typical Sanhok banger for y'all. After a standard hot drop in the usual Paradise Resort in which choco acquires his quintessential Beryl and kills everyone, he and Swagger make a characteristic play for a crate. Atypically, they don't get it, but they do get another, as per their custom. They have the most commonplace conversations throughout their archetypal journey, and choco cheering for Swagger to die to the last guy is indicative of just how average and everyday this game actually was. #chocoTaco #PUBG #Sanhok
See choco stream LIVE at
Music: "DuDa" by Ian Post, from
Keywords: PUBG gameplay, chocoTaco,