
Pokemon Sword and Shield The Features It should have had. The Ultimate Pokemon Version

Pokemon Sword and Shield The Features It should have had. The Ultimate Pokemon Version JRPG Content Every TRIPLE AAA GAME NEEDS
Lets go into detail on why Pokemon Sword and Shield is not a triple AAA game worthy of the 60 dollars.
A lot of People are still saying people are just mad at dexit but clearly pokemon is not doing what any other JRPG game is doing basically, when e.g Final fantasy 13 was released its issue was of course not that it was linear (it was less linear then Final Fantasy 10) but that it had no minigames, no chocobo racing etc.

I wanna talk about WHAT COULD POKEMON BE; what would be the ultimate version of Pokemon. What feature should the game have from other JRPG.
For example the most obvious and easist thing to implement is the super boss +100, e.g have each old pokemon main character appear around in the game after game + (after the storyline is beaten) and give them their team at level 99 x 6 pokemon and give them GOOD IV/EV etc.
That is SO easy to implement you already got the code for everything in place here and a little boolean flag if the trainer has beaten the game story else they cannot challenge them.
(of course it probably should ramp up like Sun and Moon having lower level as they are the most recent champions and so on)

That is a no brainer, but then also all other kind of stuff a normal JRPG has, such as minigames who are both fun and some are EVEN FULL GAMES like the classic Blitzball or the card games from final fantasy, or the fishing game etc.
And that these minigames are relevant for the trainer, e.g getting special pokemons, or items etc.

The ultimate thing imo would be to have some kind of home city that the player would build up and depending on what pokemon you have it would be different, e.g have a lot of fire pokemon you get a volcano and fire pokemon even legendaries may appear at random when you visit. Have water and fire, you now have an Onsen (bath house) where not only pokemon can appear, you can get relationship or what not + of course some mix of water and fire pokemon would mainly appear.
A city building gameplay from games like Suikoden and Breath of fire would amazing.

I mean at least have some casino world - ergo golden saucer.
Other Triple AAA JRPG has full title minigames like Blitzball or the dragon quest monster gameplay in dragon quest 8 are full games....and Pokemon dont have anything at all.

Nor does it have crafting or other standard mechanics from role-playing games in general. the cooking in the game is not in any way a minigame...and its does not even boost the pokemon stats just wow, its so pointless compare it to like any other cooking game and the cooking is a part of getting better stats.

The game has crafting I suppose with Pokemon breeding but why no crafting of items etc, or you know like an actual minigame more interactive feature of that part then just circle around on a bike.

I am not saying Pokemon sucks, it still has what it has, the strong core gameplay but it has nothing else one would expect from not just a modern JRPG but any JRPG for the last 20 + years.

Of course Pokemon should not have had to implement all of this most of them should be a no brainer to have included else the score should be dropped.

#PokemonSwordandShield #PokemonSwordShield #GameFreakLied

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