
Desires, Liberation, Raja Janak & Ashtavakar - Week 13 Narayan Hari Updesh Katha

Desires, Liberation, Raja Janak & Ashtavakar - Week 13 Narayan Hari Updesh Katha Becoming desire-less leads us to liberation, conversely desires lead us to further births/deaths (reincarnation).

Yagvaluk Muni (a Saint) teaches Raja Janak (a religious king) that desires lead to your rebirths and abodes in the afterlife. Raja Janak asks the following questions which are all answered by Yagvaluk in the following way,

"Is your next birth after death (of the current body) determined by your desires?" Yes

"If you know your last thought leads to your next destination in the afterlife - then why don't all the sinners think of the heavens when dying?" - You cannot control your thought at this point, your desires, karma lead to this final thought through repetitive practice/attachment to the world throughout your current life and previous lives, which leads to your determined fate at death.


If you think of God you become one with God, this is achieved by meditating on God's name (scripture).

Sargun Upasna - thinking of God in the creation is described and how it leads to liberation.
Raja Janak & Ashtavakar Muni
On the banks of the River Ganga (Ganges) in an Ashram for spiritual education, students saw a deformed child walking past - he had physical deformities which meant he looked very comical when walking (his body was misaligned in 8 directions). The celibate students (Brahmcharis) from the Ashram started to tease the child, taking his walking stick, clothes and poking him. This deformed child was very calm and did not get angry, asking for his items back, saying that he had to go and do his evening prayers. One of the boys said, 'Don't tease him, he doesn't have a father, he lives with his maternal grandfather who will be walking past very soon and will be angered.' He didn't know that he had been lied to by his mothere, as he thought his grandfather was actually his father as this is what he had been told. He learnt that his real father has been living away at Raja Janaks palace as he isn't being allowed to leave there as Raja Janak has set a riddle to answer and until that is answered all the scholars are being held at the palace and not allowed to leave. His father was a famous scholar who had been invited to answer the riddle.

This child who is called Ashtavakar then leaves to free his father from Raja Janaks palace and to answer the riddle. Ashtavakar is shocked that no one has been able to answer the riddle. His mother doubts her son being able to also answer the riddle. Ashtavakar is fully confident in his ability to answer the riddle and stubbornly gets permission to leave and go there. The riddle is 'Is this true or is that true?' Raja Janak does not give any further explanation or give hints as to what is implied by this statement. Ashtavakar leaves with his maternal uncle Svetketu for Raja Janaks palace in Mithilia.

Now the riddle's cause is described. It was summer and very hot, much arrangements had been made to cool the atmosphere where Raja Janak was residing and he was eating various foods, enjoying himself. He was lying down and fell asleep. He sees himself in a dream and that he commits a severe sin, this becomes public knowledge throughout the world. Everyone is ashamed of his sin and his population want him deposed as the king and invite a powerful king to come and conquer his kingdom. Raja Janak loses the battle against this opposing/invading king and loses his kingdom.

Raja Janak was stripped naked and banished him from the kingdom and the new King announced that 'Nobody can have any mercy upon Raja Janak and anyone who helps him in any way will be arrested. etc' For this reason no one gave him any food, clothes or place to rest etc but those who hit him were rewarded. Raja Janak is suffering in the heat, he is hungry and the soldiers don't allow him to even sit under the shade of trees and he is constantly under watch and attacked by everyone. He is in more pain and anguish than hell, he falls unconscious and the soldiers now leave him. He is in a jungle and is scared to rest now, due to the sounds of the wildlife. He was attacked by dogs near a town that he walked to and no-one freed him from the attacking dogs and no one helped him with his wounds from the dog bites. He was now again attacked by the population and soldiers and pushed out of the boundary of the kingdom. He cries out to God to have mercy on him for the sins he has committed. He was given 19 coins from passers by, by begging from them. He went to the city to buy food and bought a dish to get food at a place where free food is given out. To be continued...


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