
How to Raise Your Vibration l Elevate Your Frequency

How to Raise Your Vibration l Elevate Your Frequency Thank you For watching this channel. If you Like what you heard let me know. You can also follow me on my Instagram account Where I share ideas on living a well rounded, balanced life.

In this video, I’ll be speaking on the number one tool to use when needing to elevate your vibration.
What does it mean to elevate your Vibration?
What are Vibrations?
& How do I elevate my vibration?

We have all heard the term vibes. Don't mess with my Vibes.
Vibration is a level that you are at emitting a level of frequency. There are those who are in high vibration, which usually means that they are in a state of Love, Bliss, Gratitude, Peace & all the good state feelings.
When we are in a low vibrations we are usually feeling Sadness, anger, resentment, jealousy, fear, doubt, worry & all those feelings that do not feel so good.

When we are in a elevated vibration, we attract more of those situations. However, face it, life does happen and sometimes we get thrown some curve balls. It is being able to maintain and control our emotions so we do not dip into a lower vibration.

A gratitude list is the best way to get in a habit of elevating your vibration. When you do a list day and night for more than a period of a month, you build a habit. This habit programs your brain to scan and focus in all the things going right in your life. So next time someone spills coffee on you, you won't have such a intense reaction.

When we are able to maintain a much more elevated vibration, we allow ourselves to manifest and create at a higher rate. We are able to be open and receive clear and concise information to know what our next steps in life we wish to see and be.
In a lower state of vibration, you arouse your stress hormone. When in that state of being, we turn on our Flight or Fight mode. We are unable to be open to receiving information and we are shut off of a possibility that could of been a door to our future dream or wish. Now don't worry, that door comes back around but its learning how to maintain your state of emotions and vibrations so that you can enjoy life abundantly.

Being able to open the doors much more frequently.

I hope that this video finds you well and that you receive a reminder or something that you didn't perceive before.
Though this video just hits the top of the iceberg, I wanted to lay a strong foundation for beginners trekking on this journey called life.
This tip of the ice berg videos are meant to be tools and guidance for you to use in your journey so you can overcome many obstacles & challenges with ease and see the transformation in your life take place first hand !

Sending many blessings with Light & Love!

elevating your vibration,how to raise your vibration,vibrations,spiritual awareness,raising your frequency,positive mindset,Building healthy habits,manifesting,Living a happy life,Spiritual awakening,Becoming more conscious,Consciousness,

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