
RI News: Tesla Cybertruck, Roofing fraud, roofer in jail, Best damn roofer, White claw, $205k Fine

RI News: Tesla Cybertruck, Roofing fraud, roofer in jail, Best damn roofer, White claw, $205k  Fine RI News: Tesla Cybertruck, Roofing Fraud, Roofer in Jail, Best Damn Roofer, White Claw, $205k Fine

Tesla Cybertrucks - The giant company released another controversial product, this time a cybertruck that has many people excited but also concerned about the future of automobile transportation.

HomeAdvisor - The once massive corporation is now closing its office in Colorado, in the process laying off over 200 employees. After years of complaints against the company, it seems that HomeAdvisor is finally suffering from its poor product.

Fred Holder - GreenForm Construction’s Fred Holder is now in the news, this time for taking money from homeowners and not providing a service in return. He is now claiming bankruptcy, a move that is undoubtedly causing problems.

Best Damn Roofer - Roofing Insight’s biggest competitor on social media is now 3,000 followers ahead in the race for the most subs. Best Damn Roofer’s questionable tactics have come under fire from some, but so far it has not affected the brand’s overall health.

Fittest Roofer - The Fittest Roofer challenge takes place in Orlando on December 12-13. Cash prizes are as follows: 3rd place ($1,000), 2nd place ($2,000), and 1st place ($3,000). If your company has any fit roofers, send them to the competition next month!

White Claw - The booming alcoholic beverage has grossed $1.5 billion in sales this year. The downside? They are unable to meet demand, something their CEOs assumed would happen at the rate they’re growing. This is also a nice cautionary tale to any roofers out there who are seeing major growth.

OSHA Fine - Robert Barringer was fined about $205,000 by OSHA for not insuring workers or providing proper safety attire. It goes to show that taking safety measures is the most responsible way to ensure success. Dmitry would like to know how other companies manage their risk issues. Comment below with your management techniques!

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Roofing Insights News 11-23-19:
00:10 - Tesla Cybertruck
01:17 - HomeAdvisor Laid Off 229 People
03:02 - Bankrupt Roofer In Jail After Filing Bankruptcy
05:07 - Best Damn Roofer Surpasses Roofing Insights
06:13 - Fittest Roofer Metals Are In!
07:19 - White Claw Shortage
09:58 - OSHA $205k Fine

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