
5 Reasons Everyone should be Intermittent Fasting Regularly! Feast shorter than you Fast!

5 Reasons Everyone should be Intermittent Fasting Regularly! Feast shorter than you Fast! It's simple we feast and we fast. The only thing is that most people in the US have it a little lobsided becasue the feast way more than they fast. Is this the Simple reason why most of the Country is sick and overweight? Could this be why so many people are so out of balance? In my professional opinion, Yes. It is. What are the benefits of regularly fasting longer than you feast? Well, you'll have to watch to find out, but let's just say for starters you will detox better, sleep better, create energy better, and burn body fat better. And the crazy thing is that it is really that simple. You don't have to buy anything or pay for anything! It's free and at your diposal any time you want it. Fasting! Free for the taking! And it really is one the most potent immune boosters and healers that we have!

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