
9|11 Eyewitness | Survivor David Long (2009)

9|11 Eyewitness | Survivor David Long  (2009) Read about the Lawyers' Committee FBI Lawsuit & Grand Jury Petition here

Canadian David Long was a witness to the 9/11 attack in New York and watched the controlled demolitions of the Twin Towers from the street. In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall he tells his story about what he saw, and he talks about the efforts of Canadians to use the citizen petition process to get their government to call for a new investigation of 9/11.

This interview was conducted by on May 8, 2009

David Long, from his Website: On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was on the train heading to a planning meeting at the World Financial Center. I never made it to the meeting and my favorite restaurant in the world was now turned to dust and spread all over Manhattan along with 2753 people who died during the September 11 attacks, many of whom I brushed shoulders with each day on the way to work.

The folks at Merrill Lynch were very good to me, and amazingly I still had a job with them after 9/11. Everyone was under a lot of stress and people were being let go. The global economy shifted over to defense and the drums were beating for war with Iraq. I was let go by December and was now isolated and alone at my apartment in Queens... more:

Andy Steele from 9/11 Freefall interviews David Long here:

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9/11,Twin Towers,September 11,New Pearl Harbor,WTC 7,Terrorism,war on terror,New York,World Trade Center,David Long,Survivor,

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