
Bonus Stream by Various Runners - Classic Games Done Quick 10th Anniversary Celebration

Bonus Stream by Various Runners - Classic Games Done Quick 10th Anniversary Celebration First runner introduction starts at 0:10
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest starts at 3:11
Second runner introduction starts at 50:50
S.O.S. starts at 53:22
Third runner introduction starts at 1:08:11
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Japanese) starts at 1:09:28
Fourth runner introduction starts at 1:47:43
Donkey Kong Country 3 starts at 1:48:57
Fifth runner introduction starts at 2:45:13
Super Tennis starts at 2:47:38
Sixth runner introduction starts at 3:19:22
Rocket Knight Adventures starts at 3:21:33

We're celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Games Done Quick by doing the entire schedule of the first event, Classic Games Done Quick over again with new and returning runners, in preparation for AGDQ 2020, running January 5-12th.

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