
Discover the true meaning of Relationship || Swami Yugal Sharan Ji || Ashram scenic beauty

Discover the true meaning of Relationship || Swami Yugal Sharan Ji || Ashram scenic beauty Just after coming out of the womb we were unknowingly bonded into relations and as we climbed the age ladder we made many relationships. But have we ever thought what true relationship is or what is the true meaning of relationship?

#Relationship #JagadguruSadhanaShivir

In this video Swamiji elucidates the true meaning of relationship. Relationship means bonding which is eternal in nature and is not depended upon selfishness.
But if we closely analyse we will discover that even our relation with our body is not true in real sense because first it is not eternal and second if we don't take ample care of our body it will malfunction. We have to serve the self interest of the body. Next if we ponder deeply we will realise that even our relationship with our family, our friends and relatives is not permanent or eternal. And second most important thing is that our relationship with them is based on some terms and conditions. So does that mean that Relationship is a hoax and in reality we don't have a true relative. No.

Swamiji explains it so lucidly. In truest sense we have true relationship with God alone because this relation fulfills the two conditions. First this relation is eternal because this relationship is beyond life and death and second it is not based on any self interest. Why? The sole reason is that every particle naturally seeks its part. Since we are a part of that Supreme God we will seek God naturally. In Physics it is called Constitutional Property of the particle. It is our Fundamental Constitution. So the duty of the particle is to serve its part. Hence our desire to be united with God will never subside. And second this relationship is not depended on any self-interest. Because it is natural. Hence our relationship with God is the true relationship. And it's only by attaining God that our unfulfilled desire of attaining infinite and eternal happiness will be fulfilled.

In this video you can capture the scenic beauty of Braj Gopika Dham situated in the valley of Eastern Ghats. This place has been graced by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as well as Jagadguruttam Swami Kripalu Ji Maharaj, who is the crest jewel of Rasik Saints. One can feel the Divine vibes here and that's why many consider it an ideal place for practicing devotion.



About Swami Yugal Sharan Ji:

Swami Yugal Sharan was trained as a scientist and is presently a preacher of Jagadguruttam Swami Shri Kripaluji Maharaj(5th original Jagadguru of this age). Swamiji has been preaching Spiritual Philosophy since last 20 years. Swamiji gives thought provoking discourses on the Philosophy of Life which encompasses both occidental as well as oriental philosophies and thereby showing the easiest path to attain eternal happiness. Swamiji also teaches divine love meditation for attainment of the eternal bliss. Swamiji delivers lectures in English, Hindi, Bengali and Odia.

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Braj gopika dham,Relationship,scenic beauty,Swami yugal sharan,eternal relative,eternal path,true relative,Jagadguru Kripalu Ji Maharaj,Radhe Radhe,Happiness,

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