
Millers Estate Agents, Torpoint (This is their acceptable standards!!)

Millers Estate Agents, Torpoint (This is their acceptable standards!!) In order to fully understand how reprehensible this company is you should watch the video attached to see what Millers Estate Agents in Torpoint, Cornwal consider an acceptable standard to be when handing over a property.

My experience of dealing with this disreputable company has been one of lies, deceipt, omissions and the worst possible customer service.

At the time of my move I was suffering a relapse of Gulf War related PTSD and, unable to view the property due to the distance involved, I relied solely on the word of the Estate Agent, Catherine. She assured me that prior to my tenancy the apartment would be thoroughly cleaned and all repairs completed.

When I arrived at the property, Catherine was only interested in getting my signature and departing the place as soon as possible and she was there for a maximum of 4 minutes before scurrying back to her lair.

The property was disgustingly filthy; the bathroom walls were covered in mould; the kitchen stank of grease and every surface was coated with brown grime; doors had been kicked in and repaired with tape and badly overpainted; every single wall in the property had nails embedded and holes from previous hangings. Every wall had been patch painted in a completely different shade of paint. The bathroom walls were blackened with mould and mould surrounded every window frame in the property, the entire place stank of mildew. To add insult to injury the inventory Millers provided was a complete fabrication which neglected to note any damage nor fault and it is clear this company cares little for tenants and seeks only their fee for finding some moron like me to trust them to do what you would reasonably expect them to do, ie, their job.

Catherine promised me several times that this property would be repaired and cleaned prior to me moving in, she didn't even bother to check and she told me this too... because to her, being just a tenant, I am sub-human and therefore not worth the bother. She further neglected to mention the pay as you go metering in the property, the constant noise of trucks visiting the adjoining shop that disturbed sleep in the early hours and kept silent about the fact that the heating costs £10 a day for just one room during the winter.

It has become clear to me that Millers Estate Agents in Torpoint are devoid of any sense of responsibility to their clients; they act almost inhumanely towards tenants, act like angels until you sign and then do nothing thereafter.

Never an apology, never interested in my plight, simply ignored. Prior to my departure I was informed by the landlord that they would no longer use this agency because of how my tenancy had been administered.

And once I'd handed over the property to the landlord (as Millers had already been dismissed from service) I attempted to gain the return of my deposit from this Estate Agents. Even though the landlord had told me they had informed Millers I was leaving, Millers denied any knowledge and Vlad stated he would inform me once they had received notice from the landlord to release my deposit. Of course they did not inform me, why would they as they don't care about individuals like myself and would gain no monetary reward from doing the job. It took my brother to go into the office some two days later for them to take action.

Do not use this inhumane Agency, they want fees, they are not interested in people or customer satisfaction, only in themselves. They are the cliche of despicable, heartless estate agents.


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