
Please keep your support characters abilities as a standard setup...

Please keep your support characters abilities as a standard setup... So salty at losing this battle due to literally an ability being switched around on a support character. We play and develop muscle memory for the location of moves. So in the midst of battle, the focus is on the battle and not on thinking of where to find an ability, especially for the same character being used in the same fight. Didn't want to upload this but was so frustrated because my time is extremely limited and this challenge is tough. It could have been over already.....

Anyway, please leave your support characters to what 99% of the community is used to so they can gain the benefit of your help rather than the downfall from a customized setup.

At the end of the day, people are free to do as they please. However, this decision directly affects everyone that uses your support. Since that's the case, anytime I come across these players/users, I will be deleting them from my friends list. Period.

DU Recorder,

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