
Scientific Prediction of unsustainable organisations, corporations and governments

Scientific Prediction of unsustainable organisations, corporations and governments We can now predict which human made organisation, government, industry or political ideology can be sustained or will inevitably collapse. It is a breakthrough scientifically sound method to measure and predict sustainability and continuity of living systems by using information which obeys the laws of physics.
It explains the Realimiteit Principle which confirms that any system that tries to ignore relevant information can't be sustained or survive. We predict that the UNSDG's or the mitigation of Climate Change can't be achieved, neither can the Global Risks be solved, because the fundamental information, knowlegde and science to do so is ignored. We can however use this method to re-design every man made system into sustainable ones by using information as energy. It is up to us, you and me.

#sustainability #UNSDG's #GlobalRisksWEF # information,

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