
So he came visit and we made a trip to Hualien, Taiwan 花蓮走走

So he came visit and we made a trip to Hualien, Taiwan 花蓮走走 流水帳而已

Well, they say we must come visit, so here we are.

It is not necessary to rent a car or a scooter to travel in Hualien as some may find it easier to mobilize from point a to b. Given we were only here for 1.5 days, we chose to take bus, taxi and use our feet for most of the time in the biggest city of Taiwan (well.. not really a mutual decision. I had the final say.) From Taroko National Park to Eternal Spring Shrine, it was quite relaxing yet a bit nervous to walk in the mountains and inside the tunnels. Why? It was raining.

The Dongdaemum night market is huge. In this case, it makes more sense to have the most recommended food. Though many vloggers enjoy putting on a show to perform their acting skills by claiming lousy food as something must-have, there are still some good ones like the first food we tried in the video. The 滷味 we had, to my surprise, was the worst. How could 滷味 go wrong , idk. But it was really wrong.

Taiwan Railway had some decent boxed meals (bento), or perhaps I was just hungry; after all, it was a long day before we jumped on the train back to Taipei.

通化夜市 was alright. Food aside, the foot massage was marvelous. I don't want to spend too much time writing about its food, but the barbecue corn is worthy of a mention, because it tasted quite .... interesting ... ( for the sake of P.C i use interesting.)

Till next video, peace.

#花蓮 #東大門夜市 #通化夜市,

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