
Stop Taking Advice From the Wrong People - How To Find A Mentor

Stop Taking Advice From the Wrong People - How To Find A Mentor Who do you take advice from? When I first realized that I did not want to be a part of the rat race, the 9 - 5 lifestyle, or trapped in a college classroom and consumed by debt, I spent many hours consulting with family and friends. Now, of course, most of them had to say "play it safe," "don't take risks," "you need an education," "stop being unrealistic." After listening to these people for a couple of months, I had realized that their conventional way of thinking was wrong, and this is why who you take advice in your life is crucial.

Whenever you take advice from anyone in life, always consider the source. You will never get rich listening to the poor. The worst aspect of all of this is that most of these people who give you terrible advice are some of the closest people in your life. I have had the closest people to me come the closest to messing up my life up through terrible advice. In almost all cases, they have had the best intentions, but they have never done what I have set out to do.

Would you take advice from an overweight person on how to lose weight? Would you seek help from a dentist with wooden teeth? Would you ask a smoker on how to live a healthy life? Of course not! So why would you take financial advice from someone who has only ever been poor, even tho they are close to you?

Whenever taking advice from someone, think to yourself, "are they qualified?" Also, seek someone qualified or, at the very least living through the experiences that you want. If there is no one like that around you, then listen to yourself and your gut instinct. Dan Lok says, " When you take someone's advice, you take their life." Think about that, when you are taking the advice of your mother, father, brother, sister, friend, or spouse, you are taking their life. Do you want to be them? Do you want what they have? If the answer is no, then to seek out qualified individuals or listen to yourself.

How to find a mentor

Always Give First Before you Ask for Something (internship) - This goes for ANYTHING in life, but remember, most mentors do not need you. They are already where you want to be in their lives. Never go to them with an agenda. People always go to them for money or a job. You do not want to be like everyone else who comes to them and just want something. Be different and offer them a way that YOU can help them. This makes them trust you and give more responsibility.

.2 DONT JUST PICK ANYONE - When you seek your mentor, you want to find someone you respect and resonate with. Just because they are financially ahead or successful, does not mean they should be your mentor. Are they your ideal model and connect with each other? There needs to be more than just a business connection. There are SO many people in this world who can teach you the skills you want to learn. Find a deeper connection.

3. Always respect people's time and space. I still see that so many people are afraid to approach successful people. Most successful people are very generous and want to help. This also goes for connections over the internet. Don't just DM someone on IG and be like "yo." Send them a well written professional email explaining to them what your skills are and how you can help them. Maybe schedule a time to get coffee or attend a convention they are speaking at.

4. GO ALL IN - When you find that mentor that you want, go all in and show your commitment. Don't think of this as some job that you will be at for a couple of years or just a stepping stone. Put your heart and soul into this. Think of it as martial arts and a way of life. (Explain)

5.Youtube - For those of you who can't find people in your area just do what I have done for the past couple years. Find YouTube mentors. People who resonate with you and meet your criteria. Consume their content, attend their conferences, and public speaking engagements. Work with their community and find mentorships within that community.

My Camera:

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