
'We Will Not Stop' Maxine Waters Informs Us There Will Be Impeachment Activity Later This Year

'We Will Not Stop' Maxine Waters Informs Us There Will Be Impeachment Activity Later This Year Now more then ever we need your help keeping this channel producing REAL content for REAL people

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Pelosi Finishes Blinking

Do you not feel the enthusiasm?!?!?

A full month after the oh-so-important WE ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO DO IT NOW House vote to impeach President Trump, Speaker Nancy Pelosi finally decided to get around to what she should have done the day after the vote:

On Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi led Democrats in approving a measure to finally forward the articles of impeachment passed on December 18 over to the Senate for a trial. Pelosi had held up the articles after insisting that Trump needed to be impeached as soon as possible because he posed an imminent threat to the 2020 election. Democrats also approved seven impeachment managers, headed by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).

"We are here today to cross a very important threshold in American history," Pelosi said before the mostly partisan vote (228-193). She recalled her long opposition to impeachment and then blamed Trump for forcing her hand. "He crossed a threshold. He gave us no choice."

Yet the speaker's own actions suggest she did indeed have a choice. Contrary to her protestations that Trump needed to be removed as soon as possible, Pelosi delayed the process by refusing to hand over the articles of impeachment once the House had voted on them.

The president didn't cross a line. In fact, the Democrats couldn’t even impeach him on all the things they’d been promising to make stick for months.

Rather, Pelosi was pushed over a line she never wanted to cross, forced primarily by the unruly young ‘uns in her party who she couldn’t control. She may be flailing at the moment, but Pelosi used to be one of the shrewdest politicians in American history. She knew that once the Democrats committed to going down the road to impeachment their odds of arriving at President Trump’s re-election greatly increased.
Pelosi’s gamesmanship (gameswomanship?) this past month was further proof that this has never been anything but a partisan hit job sham. She tried to play games with Mitch McConnell, who is now the superior political tactician by far.

This is nothing more than a political drama that Pelosi -- once forced to yield -- was hoping she could draw out to embarrass the president and hopefully damage his chances in November.

The impeachment of the president should be a solemn undertaking. Pelosi and Co. have turned it into a tawdry extended photo-op, complete with tacky souvenir tchotchkes.

No one needs this, not even the Democrats.

They’re just unaware of that.
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Maxine Waters,Impeachment,MSNBC,Financial Services Committee,House Intel Chair Adam Schiff,Trump,Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,Rep. Al Green (D.,Texas),Rep. Karen Bass,House Counsel Douglas,

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