Human growth hormone really doesn't have a lot of negative side effects there. It has a lot of good ones, but let's talk about the ones that people worry about. The one you probably hear the most is cancer. Everybody's afraid growth hormone will give them cancer but this is not true. For the longest time the thinking has been this, growth hormone converts into IGF1 in your liver. There are certain types of tumors that feed off of IGF1, like IGF one or IGF two. So the thinking was, hey, you're eventually going to get some cancer cells when you are on growth hormone. It's going to feed off the cancer and get you in trouble. The fact remains that it has not ever been reported that someone who has used HGH has developed cancer thanks to it.
Where's the body count? HGH has been the most used and abused performance enhancing drugs since the 1980s and that's just on the sports side, not alone. Like all the celebrities and anti aging people that have been using it. I mean, look at Sylvester Stallone. He's like the poster child for this stuff, and he's in his seventies. So you just aren't seeing the cancer with it. And they research it more, what they really realize that growth hormone actually is sort of the opposite of cancer. It makes your cells replicate faster, but more efficient. It improves your mitochondrial function. You have healthier cells. The chance of them you turning into something bad and mutating into cancer is very much minimized. Also, if you did get cancer while on it, you just need to stop taking it. It's only in your system for 12 hours. The cancer side effect is just a myth.
This other side effect does happen. A lot of people develop carpal tunnel from growth hormone. The reason why is it actually is a benefit in most regards to growth hormone because it puts more fluid in your joints. So for your ankles, your knees, your hips, this is a good thing. You're going to have more lubrication, you're going to have less cartilage damage.
It's great, but your wrist is a very small joint and it can put pressure on the medial nerve, which is what we call carpal tunnel, and it's painful. However, carpal tunnel is very easy to deal with so you don't need to worry about it.
Now going into the benefits of taking it. The primary benefits, you lose weight, your skin looks way better, your metabolism goes up, you hold more muscle, your cardiovascular endurance goes up and you age slower. A lot of great benefits. To learn more get a hold of us!