
America Under Attack On 9/11...By WHOM THOUGH?You May Be Shocked!

America Under Attack On 9/11...By WHOM THOUGH?You May Be Shocked! On Tuesday September 11th 2001 the world was told who was responsible for the 'Attack On America'...The media made it blatantly clear that the people responsible were 19 suicidal hijackers under control of Osama bin Laden from a cave in Afganistan...this story was projected across the world and repeated and repeated and repeated...Psychologically it was ingrained in our heads what we saw because the television showed us and told us what to believe.....
18 years later and the mainstream still tell us The 9/11 Commission's Narrative as the only version of events that you should listen to...but how? is full of holes...
The Lawyers Committee for 9/11 is now taking the FBI to court because of a number of the holes in The 9/11 Commission Story...

If this court case goes the way they are expecting...YouTube/Google and all the mainstream outlets are going to have a lot to answer for...because they all know full well they've been presenting and pushing one lie after another all these years.

It's time to WAKE UP world...
George Bush, Dick Cheney & Donald Rumsfeld and their Omissions are a good place to start.

What you're about to see and hear are FACTS about what these 3 men showed what they were...PUPPETS...

The REAL PERPETRATORS are like the real truth...It's still out There!

Watch, Like, Subscribe and share to the world...

Show YouTube that this event in history is of paramount importance...this Lawsuit against the FBI if won would mean the mainstream would have to take notice and pay attention to the crap they've been spuing out to the public all these years!

Let's all make a difference.

Webster Griffin Tarpley-Author/Historian
911 Synthetic Terror-Made In USA

Also Available In Kindle Version

"The strongest of the 770+ books I have reviewed here at Amazon. Without question, the most important modern reference on state-sponsored terrorism. Most pointedly suggests select rogue elements within the US Government are guilty of state-sponsored terrorism. The author is compelling in his review." -- Robert D. Steele ""

"His dissection of the neocon lineage with its cast of characters and Nazi progenitors is critical background to understanding the frightening conceptual framework that would give permission to 9/11 as an 'okay' thing to do. So many superlatives that could be applied to this book that it is hard to know where to begin." -- Chuck Thurston, Researcher ""

"The most profound analysis of September 11 as a new type of coup d'etat. This is a book I hope many Americans will read, so they can understand how they were duped, and by whom." -- Maurizio Blondet "Avvenire"

September 11 The New Pearl Harbor-Massimo Mazzucco

Lawyers Committee For 9/11

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Music Credits

Jingle Punks-Blank Holes~No Copyright Restriction
Twin Musicom-Not Without The Rest~Not Without the Rest by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

[c]Discovery Studios 2019

9/11,September 11th 2001,George Bush,Dick Cheney,Donald Rumsfeld,Sarasota,Elementary School,Clock,Reactions Analyzed,Standard Operating Procedure,America Under Attack,Norman Mineta,PEOC,Testimony Omitted,Webster Griffin Tarpley,911 Synthetic Terror,Made IN USA,Air Force One,Offut Air Force base,E4B,Doomsday Plane,United 93 Shoot Down Order,Pentagon Lawn Help,Gaining Situational Awareness,

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